A Long Swim Corporate Sponsors

Corporate sponsors have the opportunity to support A Long Swim and, therefore, affiliate themselves with a creative nonprofit with an out-sized profile.
A Long Swim has a simple mission: ““To use open water swimming to raise funding for collaborative ALS research.” Our goal is to link a niche sport like open water swimming, with a niche disease like ALS. A Long Swim is well on its way to building that bridge.
As discussed elsewhere on this website, A Long Swim hosts Signature Swims, Open Water Summer Series Swims, and Sponsored Athletes. A sponsor of A Long Swim will have access to participants with very attractive demographics:
- Ages
- 81% are ages 35 – 64
- 52% are women
- Income
- 50% have household income above $150,000
- 34% have household income above $200,000
- Education
- 93% have undergraduate degrees
- 52% have graduate or professional degrees
- Participants
- 100% are physically fit
- 2,500,000 triathletes worldwide
- 500,000 open water swimmers in the US
In addition, A Long Swim has raised $2 million since 2011. That funding has been provided by more than 3,000 donors who have made contributions of $5 to $25,000. A sponsor of A Long Swim will also enjoy exposure to this very attractive group, and the sponsor’s involvement will underscore the shared priority of finding a cure for the horrific disease that is ALS.
A Long Swim Corporate Sponsors will also enjoy:
- Logo exposure displayed on event merchandise and t-shirts for swimmers and volunteers
- Name and logo on all event signage
- Marketing table exposure at A Long Swim events
- Company profile on the A Long Swim website
- Company name and logo included in media releases surrounding A Long Swim events
- Blog post on the A Long Swim website outlining the corporate partnership
- Announcements, posts and mentions on social media channels, utilizing special, agreed-upon hashtags
To inquire about corporate sponsorship levels, please contact Kate Himes.