Welcome Home Doug, after Ka’iwi Channel Swim

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Doug McConnell swims Kaiwi channel swim photo

Ka’iwi Channel swim

A Welcome Home Party was held for our Ka’iwi Channel swimmer, Doug McConnell and our support kayaker, Don Macdonald at Francesca’s in Barrington, Illinois.  Hosted by Phillips Menswear of Barrington, our guys were interviewed by Terry Owens and the audience was allowed questions and answers.  Recovered and rested, hear first hand what they saw and what it was like to swim in truly wild and open ocean.

Open Water Swimming

Open water swimming, and open water marathon swimming, is the fastest growing sport in the world and these men are pioneers.  Hear stories from the English Channel, the Catalina Channel, the Circumnavigation of Manhattan Island and, now, the Ka’iwi Channel.  Also, you will be able to see a selection of the most beautiful open water swimming photographs in the world.

Douglas McConnell is available for public speaking events.  

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English Channel Swim

The English Channel — the busiest shipping channel in the world. Topping out at 62 degrees. Half of the swim is in pitch darkness. In this solo marathon, you may not touch the boat or another human. You are alone.

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